
Low back pain

Kategorie: Knochen-Gelenke » Expertenrat Rückenschmerzen | Expertenfrage

22.11.2017 | 14:46 Uhr

My father 78 years old. He fell down last year, since then he has low back pian. He had a fracture in the back bone, but that fracture has healed. We have xrays for that. He is having pain in the morning only. This is after long sleep in the night. Throughout the day he is moving fine. Drinving car, walking etc. He is complaining in the morning only. He says acute is when he wakes up. Then he sits with a support at the back, it gets better. After an hour all is normal. It stays normal through out the day. Please suggest a medicine for him.

Lots of regards,


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03.12.2017, 17:02 Uhr
Antwort von Experte-Stehn

Dear Ahmad,

lower back pain, that disappears within the first moves in the morning, is very often a sign of aging intervertebrate joints. When those aging joints are irritated, they cause pain in the back. Physiotherapy and maybe another matress will help your father. 

I hope, your father will get well soon

Best regards

Dr. med. Frank Stehn


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